The Vyrill Blog

June 21, 2017

Digital Marketing is a Marathon, not a Sprint

At the recently concluded Tech Manch Digital Conference, Jeff Bullas, digital marketing influencer...

June 15, 2017

The state of Social Video Marketing

Social media video drives brand engagement and sales with 83% of marketers reporting...

June 13, 2017

What you need to know about Video Marketing for your Business

Research reveal that video viewers are between 64% and 85% more likely to buy...

June 2, 2017

How to get more value out of your Video Marketing

"Video, both organic and paid, is still the best option to cut through the social noise.It’s easier than ever to get more value out of your video marketing...

May 31, 2017

What Dominates Digital Marketing

Big data is empowering personalization, which enhances user experience...

May 25, 2017

What current Marketing trends mean to you

The average user is exposed to 32.3 videos in a month.

May 23, 2017

Why Digital Marketing is the future?

digital marketers will take complete control over the customer experience.

May 19, 2017

The impressive adoption of Video

+55% of people watch online videos every day.

May 10, 2017

Video Marketing 101: Every Platform is going video

4x as many consumers like to watch video of a product rather than read about it...

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